Mary and Lachlan's wedding at Currumbin Vikings SLSC wasn't just about two hearts coming together, it was like a global love fest!

With Mary hailing from the USA and Lachlan proudly Australian, it was a union that brought two nations together in one epic celebration. The ceremony was a burst of color, with spring flowers filling the room, and when Mary walked down that aisle in her Grace Loves Lace dress, it was like jaws collectively dropped.

All day long, emotions ran high, and laughter flowed freely. But let’s talk about the evening’s pièce de résistance – their choreographed first dance. Picture this: a fog-covered dance floor, flaming sparklers, and these two busting out moves that would make the pros jealous. It was like a scene out of a Hollywood movie. Their wedding was a fusion of love, laughter, and a whole lot of international flair, leaving everyone feeling like they just attended the wedding of the century. 🌟💃🕺🔥

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Celebrant: Helen Coghlan
Hair stylist: Nicole
Make up: Richelle Darben 
Florist: Rach & Ash
Wedding planer/Stylist: Stacey
Caterer: Surf club
Musician/DJ: Cliff